Manual sheet resistivity measurement systems for laboratories, for research and small productions. The stand includes several features enabling it to measure resistivity and surface resistance using 4 precise points. It is possible to characterize materials manufactured by semiconductor doping, metal or glass deposition, rubber materials, etc.
A manual lever makes it possible to make a movement in Z of contact and non-contact with a repeatability of the order of a micron. In addition, an adjustment wheel located on the top of the device makes it possible to fine-tune the movement in Z with precision.
The sample to be tested is mounted on a mobile support which allows it to be easily placed under the measuring head between each measurement point.
In addition, the equipment has several chuck sizes ranging from 4" to 12".
- Si, Ge, SiGe, SiC, GaAs, InGaAs, InP, GaN, ZnO, TCO
- Oxide deposit
-Sensors, MEMS
- Conductive polymer
- Batteries
- Electrodes
- Photovoltaic
- Ceramic & Glass
- Optoelectronic component
- Nanomaterials
• I/V measurement, sheet resistance, resistivity or thickness
• Software for data processing
• Creation of an I/V curve
• Bipolar measurement
• Data export in Txt, Excel, CSV format...
• A micro-switch ensures the injection of current from the moment all the tips are in contact.
• The measurement is performed by an external Keithley 2635B device.
The measurement system uses software for measurement and display of results that allows data export for later data processing. It is possible to map the sample according to the resistivities or thicknesses measured.
The user entered the size and shape of the sample, the exclusion edge and the number of points to be tested. A graphic image of the target measurement points is displayed. At the end of the test of all the points, we find the average of the measured values, the standard deviation as well as the maximum and minimum measurement.