Standard dicing tape

F07Standard dicing tape

Microworld offers a standard tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Medium adhesion force
- PVC expandable base with acrylic adhesive
- No silicone (contaminants-free)
- Packaged in roll
Standard dicing tape medium-high tackiness

F08Standard dicing tape medium-high tackiness

Microworld offers a standard tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Medium-High adhesion force
- PVC expandable base with acrylic adhesive
- No silicone (contaminants-free)
- Packaged in roll
Standard dicing tape low tackiness

F09Standard dicing tape low tackiness

Microworld offers a standard tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Low adhesion force
- PVC expandable base with acrylic adhesive
- No silicone (contaminants-free)
- Packaged in roll
Standard dicing tape

F05Standard dicing tape

Microworld offers a standard tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Medium adhesion force
- PVC expandable base with acrylic adhesive
- No silicone added (Contaminants-free)
- Packaged in roll
Standard thick dicing tape

F04Standard thick dicing tape

Microworld offers a standard tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Medium-high adhesion force
- PVC expandable base with acrylic adhesive
- No silicone added (Contaminants-free)
- Packaged in roll
Standard dicing tape high tackiness

F03Standard dicing tape high tackiness

Microworld offers a standard tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- High adhesion force
- PVC expandable base with rubber adhesive
- No silicone added (Contaminants-free)
- Packaged in roll
UV dicing tape

F20UV dicing tape

Microworld offers a UV sensitive tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- PVC based film with UV sensitive adhesive
- Good and homogeneous expansion after dicing in order to separate the dies for a safe picking
- The UV features allow a high adhesion while dicing and a low adhesion after UV curing for picking
- Backing layer
- Packaged in roll hermetic packing (metallized sleeve)
UV antistatic dicing tape

F42UV antistatic dicing tape

Microworld offers an antistatic UV sensitive tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Poly-Olefin based dicing tape with UV sensitive adhesive packaged in roll with backing layer.
- The tape has an antistatic layer which dissipates the negative charge build-up
- The UV sensitive adhesive provides a high tackiness for dicing and a low value for die pick up
- Packaged in roll hermetic packing (metallized sleeve)
UV antistatic dicing tape

F43UV antistatic dicing tape

Microworld offers an antistatic UV sensitive tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Poly-Olefin based dicing tape with UV sensitive adhesive packaged in roll with backing layer.
- The tape has an antistatic layer which dissipates the negative charge build-up
- The UV sensitive adhesive provides a high tackiness for dicing and a low value for die pick up
- Packaged in roll hermetic packing (metallized sleeve)
UV antistatic dicing tape

F44UV antistatic dicing tape

Microworld offers an antistatic UV sensitive tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Poly-Olefin based dicing tape with UV sensitive adhesive packaged in roll with backing layer.
- The tape has an antistatic layer which dissipates the negative charge build-up
- The UV sensitive adhesive provides a high tackiness for dicing and a low value for die pick up
- Packaged in roll hermetic packing (metallized sleeve)
UV dicing tape

F27UV dicing tape

Microworld offers a UV sensitive tape series for wafer dicing applications.

- Poly-Olefine based with acrylic adhesive and PET backing layer
- The UV sensitive adhesive offers a high adhesion force during dicing turning very low after UV cure ideal for dies pick up
- PVC core
- Packaged in roll hermetic packing (metallized sleeve)
ABOUT OUR Adhesive tapes
Our range of tapes for dicing (or backgrinding) presents a variety of models with different adhesion force (tackiness) and thickness depending on the die/substrate size. They are available in standard version with acrilyc adhesive or with UV sensitive adhesive.
• The standard tapes (witouht UV adhesive) are more economical
• The UV tapes have an adhesive wihic is sensitive to UV rays. After curing within specific wavelenght and power, the adhesion force becomes very low
• The adhesion force can then be perfectly strong for dicing and low for die pick-up
• The base film PVC (more expandable) with acrylic adhesive or PolyOlefin
• No silicone added (contamination-free) for the standard tapes
• Thickness 80 to 268 microns
• Suitable for standard wafers ou thinner, or partial
• Packaged in roll of 100 m long, any width

For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171