Contactless manual resistivity measurement system

TF labContactless manual resistivity measurement system

The TF lab 2020 series makes it possible to measure semiconductor thin films without contact thanks to eddy currents.
The compact tabletop device is ideal for fast and precise measurements of samples up to 200 x 200 mm (8 x 8 inch).
This non-destructive measurement is possible for a wide range of semiconductor or conductive substrates.

The TF lab 2020, which exists in several versions, allows measurements of:

- Surface resistance
- Resistivity
- Thickness
- Anisotropy

Advantage :

- Non destrutive measurement
- Ultra-fast non-contact real-time measurement
- Accurate measurement of conductive thin layers at different penetration depths
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers
- Easy to use software & display of results in real time


- Display, touch screen and flat screen
- OLED and LED applications
- Graphene layers
- Wafer and photovoltaic cells
- Semiconductor wafer
- Metallization layer and wafer metallization
- Battery electrodes
- Paper and textile conductors
- Organic conductor - Polymer
- Coated architectural glass
- Smart electrochromic glass, Smart Glass
Eddy Current system semiautomatic

TF map 2525SREddy Current system semiautomatic

The TF map 2525 series automatically extracts intrinsic features from samples up to 250 x 250mm (10 x 10 inches) in non-contact and therefore non-destructive mode.
When manually positioning the sample, the device automatically measures and displays the distribution of properties over the entire sample area.
The measurement settings make it easy and flexible to choose between fast measurement times of less than 1 minute or high spatial measurement resolution of over 50,000 measurement points per sample. The resulting mapping gives a true overview of the homogeneity and quality of transparent or opaque substrate.
The compact device allows, depending on its configuration, to precisely extract the surface resistance, the resistivity, the thickness or even the anisotropy


- Non-contact measurement
- Non-destructive
- Fast and accurate measurement
- High resolution mapping of conductive thin layers
- Imaging of substrates
- Detection of defects and analysis of coatings
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers
- Various analysis functions built into the software (sheet resistance distribution, line scan, single point analysis...)
- Measurement data backup and export functions


- Display, touch screen and flat screen
- OLED and LED applications
- Graphene layers
- Wafer and photovoltaic cells
- Semiconductor wafer
- Metallization layer and wafer metallization
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive paper and textiles
- Organic conductor
- Polymer
- Coated architectural glass
- Smart electrochromic glass, Smart Glass
Eddy Current system semiautomatic

TF map 2530Eddy Current system semiautomatic

The TF map 3030 Series auto­mat­ic­ally meas­ures the sheet res­ist­ance of large samples up to 300 x 300 mm (12 x 1é inches) in non-con­tact mode.
Upon manu­al sample po­s­i­tion­ing the device auto­mat­ic­ally meas­ures and dis­plays an ac­cur­ate map­ping of the sheet res­ist­ance across the en­tire sample area.
The measurement settings make it easy and flexible to choose between fast measurement times of less than 1 minute or high spatial measurement resolution of over 100,000 measurement points.

The TF map 2530, which exists in several versions, allows measurements of:
- Sheet resistance
- Resistivity
- Thickness
- Anisotropy


- Non-contact measurement
- Non-destructive
- Fast and accurate measurement
- High resolution mapping of conductive thin layers
- Imaging of substrates
- Detection of defects and analysis of coatings
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers
- Various analysis functions built into the software (sheet resistance distribution, line scan, single point analysis...)
- Measurement data backup and export functions


- Display, touch screen and flat screen
- OLED and LED applications
- Graphene layers
- Wafer and photovoltaic cells
- Semiconductor wafer
- Metallization layer and wafer metallization
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive paper and textiles
- Organic conductor - Polymer
Handheld Eddy Current system

TF portableHandheld Eddy Current system

The portable TF 1010 system is a compact and portable measuring device for resistivity measurement over large areas. It allows the characterization by rapid contact of large conductive surfaces. The system uses the eddy current method. This method allows for non-destructive measurements. It is possible to measure encapsulated samples and components thanks to these weak currents which penetrate non-conductive layers such as oxides or any other coatings. The TF Portable 1010 is an easy-to-use device controlled via a touch screen. Compact, it allows, depending on its configuration, to precisely extract the surface resistance, the resistivity, the thickness or even the anisotropy of a material.


- Small and portable measurement device
- Manual measurement
- Instant live measurement
- Digital data collection and data transmission via Bluetooth
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers


- Architectural Glass (LowE)
- Mirror coatings
- Reflective layers
- Packaging foils
- Electrode layers in smart / electrochromic glass and energy storage
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive paper and conductive textiles
- Conductor Polymers
ABOUT OUR Non destructive measurement systems
TF series non-contact measurement systems contain a set of sensors that induce weak currents in conductive and semi-conductive layers. These induced currents, also called Eddy currents, generate an electromagnetic field directly which is linked to the intrinsic parameters of the sample. Thus, we will be able to characterize its resistivity, its layer thickness, its anisotropy, its permeability, its permissivity or its emissivity without any mechanical contact.

By modulating the emission frequencies of the initial magnetic field, we will be able to control its penetration's depth and therefore the thickness of the layer that we want to measure. It is therefore possible to perform measurements of one or more layers simultaneously on a wide range of materials.

The technology is independent of the surface characteristics or morphology. In addition, it does not require any type of contact or special preparation of the sample as for four-point probe tests, Hall effect or Van-der-Pauw measurements. The system doesn't require the placement of test structures and is unaffected by surface roughness, no conductive encapsulations or passivation layers. Moreover, the measurement does not physically affect the thin film tested.

Eddy current instruments have a long life because they are free from any mechanical wear due to their no contact nature. It also achieves high repeatability and high accuracies in an ultra-fast manner which ensures the quality of measurement of various thin layers.

Finally, these systems are often accompanied by a software with several functions for recording and exporting data, thus allowing easy reading of the results in the form of a map, for example.


- Thin coating layers
- Conductive films
- Conductive papers and textiles
- Encapsulated components
- Metals
- Photoelectric sensors
- Organic conductors
- Display, touch screen and flat screen
- OLED and LED applications
- Graphene layers
- Wafers and photovoltaic cells
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive polymers

Main characteristics:

• Sheet resistance: 0.1mΩ/sq to 200kΩ/sq
• Ultra-fast measurement
• Sample size: 10x10mm up to 300x300mm
• Non-contact measurement
• Compact system

For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171