333A12" semi-automatic 4 point probe measurement system

Semi-automatic 4-point in-line measurement systems on samples ranging from 10mm to 200mm in diameter. Thanks to their motorized chucks, the 333A can map up to 6000 measurement points on surface resistance ranges from 1 mohm/sq to 8E11 Ohm/sq.


• Different versions adapted to the different resistance ranges tested
• Several types of mapping: 1pts, 5pts, 9pts, diagonal, Cartesian, custom etc..
• Powerful calculation algorithm
• Edge effect compensation, geometric factor
• SECS II Communication
• Possible version in Full-Automatic with loading of wafers via cassette and pre-alignment


- Si, Ge, SiGe, SiC, GaAs, InGaAs, InP, GaN, ZnO, TCOs
- Optoelectronic component
- Nanomaterials
- Sensors, MEMS
- Conductive polymer
- Oxide deposit
- Ceramic & Glass
- Batteries
- Electrodes
- Photovoltaic


280I8" semi-automatic 4 point probe measurement system

Semi-automatic 4-point in-line measurement systems on samples ranging from 10mm to 200mm in diameter. Thanks to their motorized chucks, the 280I can map up to 6000 measurement points on surface resistance ranges from 1 mohm/sq to 8E5 Ohm/sq.


• Extended range down to 8E11 Ohm/sq.
• Different versions adapted to the different resistance ranges tested
• Several types of mapping: 1pts, 5pts, 9pts, diagonal, Cartesian, custom etc..
• Powerful calculation algorithm
• Edge effect compensation, geometric factor
• SEC II Communication


- Si, Ge, SiGe, SiC, GaAs, InGaAs, InP, GaN, ZnO, TCOs
- Optoelectronic component
- Nanomaterials
- Sensors, MEMS
- Conductive polymer
- Oxide deposit
- Ceramic & Glass
- Batteries
- Electrodes
- Photovoltaic

Semi-automatic 4 point probe measurement under temperature

QUADPRO2ASemi-automatic 4 point probe measurement under temperature

Semi-automatic 4-point in-line temperature measurement system on samples ranging from 10mm to 300mm in diameter.. Capable of measuring surface resistance ranges from 10μΩ/sq to 10GΩ/sq. Several versions possibles to optimize measurement accuracy according to the ranges measured.

Equipment feature:

• V/I measurement, sheet resistance, resistivity or thickness
• Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, Maximum and 3Sigma reports for the dataset
• Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) measurements
• Automated 2D mapping, 3D mapping and cross-section
• Ultra high precision and repeatability
• Comparative mapping

The TCR option

The Resistance Temperature Coefficient option integrates sample temperature control as well as automated injected current control and resistance calculations. Integrated with a thermal chuck system, the test automatically sweeps temperatures over a wide range without moving the test tips.
Measurements are taken at each target temperature and the results are plotted on a graph. The TCR is expressed in parts per million (PPM). Users define the temperature range, steps, and delay for each test point before taking a measurement. A variety of thermal chucks are available to set the range and resolution from room temperature to 300°C, with 1° resolution.
Data can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Calibration wafer NIST certified

SRS3Calibration wafer NIST certified

This wafer is used to calibrate 4-point resistivity measurement systems. It has NIST certification.


• 3" (75mm) wafer
• NIST certification during 1 year
Calibration wafer

SRS8Calibration wafer

This wafer is used to calibrate 4-point resistivity measurement systems. It has NIST certification.


• 8" (200mm) wafer
• NIST certification during 1 year
Calibration wafer

SRS12Calibration wafer

This wafer is used to calibrate 4-point resistivity measurement systems. It has NIST certification.


• 12" (300mm) wafer
• NIST certification during 1 year
4 point probe head

SP44 point probe head

4-point head for ambient temperature, usable on equipment of the Pack4PP, Quadpro series and or for separate use. The standard head is designed in delrin with 4 independent tips in tungsten or osmium. A bayonet and two screws make it easy to attach the tip to our 4-prong stand for precise and repeatable measurements.


• Material of the tips defined according to application & type of layer
• Choice of parameters: Tip spacing (pitch), tip fineness, tip pressure
• Terminations: Flying leads, banana plugs, BNC, triaxial cables, 9-pin connector...
Cylindrical 4 point probe head

CP4Cylindrical 4 point probe head

4-point head for measuring resistivity, resistance, surface resistance or thickness. For use on 280 series equipment or separately, standard tip spacing is 1mm. The pressure is adjustable directly on the head.


• Adjustable pressure on the probe head
• Tip radius of different sizes adapted to most electronics layers
• Termination by 9-pins connector for direct plug in
• Application at ambient temperature only
High temperature 4 point probe head

HT4High temperature 4 point probe head

4-point head for high temperature and high resistivity, usable on equipment of the Pack4PP, Quadpro series and or for separate use. The standard head is designed in macor with 4 independent tips in tungsten or osmium. A bayonet and two screws make it easy to attach the tip to our 4-prong stand for precise and repeatable measurements.


• Material of the tips defined according to the type of layer to be measured
• Choice of parameters: Tip spacing (pitch), tip fineness, tip pressure
• Terminations: Flying leads, Banana jacks, Triax...
ABOUT : Automatic with Mapping
Mesurer la résistivité de surface sur une plaquette entière ou partielle, tirer une cartographie (mapping) et des paramètres moyenne écart-type...avec des graphes 3D.
Permet de connaitre l'homogénéité de résultats ou la dispersion sur une surface semi-conductrice_UK
For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171