Semi-automatic die matrix expander

UH130Semi-automatic die matrix expander

The UH130 automatically expands the adhesive tape so as to present the dies in an evenly spaced parallel matrix to facilitate pick-and-place or die bonding operations, adapt to all wafer/film frame up to 300 mm.Thanks to ultra-precise control of the separation process, it allows a higher throughput and increased efficiency in the treatment of micro-components.
UH130 equipment facilitates this by maintaining the orientation of the dies and a constant spacing thereof. It is compatible with a wide range of frames (and therefore wafer sizes) as well as all types of adhesive films (standard, UV, extra-adhesive, etc.)

Technical specifications:

• 8" and 12" compatible
• Pneumatic cylinder with speed control and 2.3" adjustable stroke (cylinder height)
• Motorized circular cutting assembly
• Emergency stop with manual clamp
• Chuck heated and temperature controlled digitally with thermistor
• Adjustable stroke stop, allowing constant repeatability of expansion
• Plexiglas protective cover, antistatic
• Precisely controlled die separation distance for consistent repeatability
• Alignment markers allow easy and precise placement of the film frame
• Reduced alignment times and increased throughput of automated processes
• Convenient: tabletop system, easy to use
• Operator variables virtually eliminated


- Motorized circular cutting set
- Possible ring/ring version

ABOUT OUR Tape expander machines
The UH130 system makes the pick and place process easier by separating the previously dicing components. Thanks to ultra-precise control of the separation process, it allows a higher throughput and increased efficiency in the micro-components production.
UH130 equipment facilitates this by maintaining the orientation of the dies and a constant spacing of these. It is compatible with a wide range of frames as well as all types of adhesive films (standard, UV, extra-adhesive, etc.)

Technical specifications:

• 4", 6", 8" and 12" compatible
• Pneumatic cylinder with speed control
• Motorized circular cutting assembly
• Hot chuck
• Ring/ring version possible
• Plexiglass protective cover
• Alignment pins allow easy and precise placement of the frame
• Tabletop system, user friendly
• No user dependent
For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171