Mini test station for temperature measurements, under vacuum and non-magnetic.
This completely hermetic ultra-compact station offers you a wide range of possibilities. Rhenium tungsten tips manually manipulated and can be placed on studs >= 100µm. This non-magnetic station will allow you to perform measurements with Helmholtz coils.
- Electrical test: resistor, transistor, capacitor
- Electrodes, diodes
- Photovoltaic
- Nanomaterials
- Sensors, MEMS, OLED, infrared...
- Silicon wafer
- Microchip
-Test under magnetic fields
• Station for performing vacuum measurements inside a Helmholtz coil system
• Dimensions of the station 180 mm x 130 mm x 26.5 mm
• Measurements on unit samples, size 38x42 mm
• Manual positioning 4 mobile spring-mounted prongs
• Temperature range: -190°C to 400°C
• Vacuum-tight chamber