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Handheld Eddy Current system

The portable TF 1010 system is a compact and portable measuring device for resistivity measurement over large areas. It allows the characterization by rapid contact of large conductive surfaces. The system uses the eddy current method. This method allows for non-destructive measurements. It is possible to measure encapsulated samples and components thanks to these weak currents which penetrate non-conductive layers such as oxides or any other coatings. The TF Portable 1010 is an easy-to-use device controlled via a touch screen. Compact, it allows, depending on its configuration, to precisely extract the surface resistance, the resistivity, the thickness or even the anisotropy of a material.


- Small and portable measurement device
- Manual measurement
- Instant live measurement
- Digital data collection and data transmission via Bluetooth
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers


- Architectural Glass (LowE)
- Mirror coatings
- Reflective layers
- Packaging foils
- Electrode layers in smart / electrochromic glass and energy storage
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive paper and conductive textiles
- Conductor Polymers

For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171