We use the 4-line method which allows us to measure the Resistance, the resistivity, the sheet resistance or the thickness of your sample. This series of compact devices is suitable for characterization, university or R&D laboratories. We offer either a mechanical stand with its 4-point head allowing contact with the sample or a fully integrated solution including the stand, its measuring head, instrumentation as well as control and analysis software.
• MW-Pack4PP-M: Sample up to 300mm - Sheet resistance range: 10µΩ/sq to 100MΩ/sq
• MW-Pack4PP-H: Sample up to 300mm - Sheet resistance range: 1mΩ/sq to 300MΩ/sq
• S302: Sample up to 150mm - Measurement stand alone
• S303: Sample up to 300mm - Measurement stand alone
• Quadpro2M : Sample up to 200mm - Sheet resistance range: 10µOhm/sq to 10GOhm/sq - TCR option
• Adaptable for wafers up to 300mm
• Temperature option for measuring several materials
• Auto-range function: automatic calculation of the optimal current range
• DC or pulsed measurement
• Data export in CSV, Excel, Txt...
• Data processing software (I(V) curve, mapping, binning etc...)
• Several configurations to suit all applications
• Compatible with Keithley devices (2450, 2601, 2636...)
Sheet resistance range: 10µOhm/sq to 10GOhm/sq