ABOUT OUR Material analysis systems
A dedicated range to the analysis of materials. Take advantage of three large families of equipment allowing you to test and measure the internal and surface parameters of different types of materials. Have access to topographic profiles, roughness levels, hardness/elasticity coefficients (Young's modulus) or friction parameters for all types of surfaces. All these measurements can be carried out under different environmental constraints (vacuum, temperature, etc.). The associated software will allow you to control displacement movements with great precision but also to exploit the measurement results using ultra-detailed maps.
• Optical profilometers:
Chromatic confocal light technology for maximum accuracy on any surface or material.
• Mechanical testers:
High precision and repetability micro & nanoindentation.
• Tribometers:
Accurate and repeatable wear and friction tests.
- Organic surface topography
- Fossil microstructure
- Fractography of machined parts
- Lens surface analysis
- Roughness of polymers