Specific Request

APPLICATION : Probing with a probecard & Mapping

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You have the right to access, modify, amend and delete information about yourself (art. 34 of the "Freedom and Information" act). In order to exercise this right you can contact: Microworld – 5 Rue de la Verrerie, 38120 Fontanil-Cornillon - Tel: 04 76 56 16 17

ABOUT : Probing with a probecard & Mapping
The probecard will allow accessing several pads at the same time. It my be usefull for device biasing while testing, or full testing.
A manual or semi-automatic probe station can integrate a probecard and micro-positioners, a chip can them be tested for internal circuitry while biasing is on.
- For repetitive sub-routine on a die, a motorized positioner can be used to automatically contact the previously programmed points.
- For only few contacts access, the probecard can be wedge type and is then mounted onto a positioner, DC and RF signals can be mixed

Microworld also offers production probecards mounted on automatic probers.
For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171