TF map 2530      Eddy Current system semiautomatic

TF map 2530 : Eddy Current system semiautomatic TF map 2530 : Eddy Current system semiautomatic
TF map 2530 : Eddy Current system semiautomatic TF map 2530 : Eddy Current system semiautomatic

Part Number

TF map 2530


Eddy Current system semiautomatic


The TF map 3030 Series auto­mat­ic­ally meas­ures the sheet res­ist­ance of large samples up to 300 x 300 mm (12 x 1é inches) in non-con­tact mode.
Upon manu­al sample po­s­i­tion­ing the device auto­mat­ic­ally meas­ures and dis­plays an ac­cur­ate map­ping of the sheet res­ist­ance across the en­tire sample area.
The measurement settings make it easy and flexible to choose between fast measurement times of less than 1 minute or high spatial measurement resolution of over 100,000 measurement points.

The TF map 2530, which exists in several versions, allows measurements of:
- Sheet resistance
- Resistivity
- Thickness
- Anisotropy


- Non-contact measurement
- Non-destructive
- Fast and accurate measurement
- High resolution mapping of conductive thin layers
- Imaging of substrates
- Detection of defects and analysis of coatings
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers
- Various analysis functions built into the software (sheet resistance distribution, line scan, single point analysis...)
- Measurement data backup and export functions


- Display, touch screen and flat screen
- OLED and LED applications
- Graphene layers
- Wafer and photovoltaic cells
- Semiconductor wafer
- Metallization layer and wafer metallization
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive paper and textiles
- Organic conductor - Polymer


Technical Specifications

Wafer size

12 "

Sheet resistance range

0.0001 to 200,000 Ohm/sq







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