Part Number
TF map 2530
Eddy Current system semiautomatic
The TF map 3030 Series automatically measures the sheet resistance of large samples up to 300 x 300 mm (12 x 1é inches) in non-contact mode.
Upon manual sample positioning the device automatically measures and displays an accurate mapping of the sheet resistance across the entire sample area.
The measurement settings make it easy and flexible to choose between fast measurement times of less than 1 minute or high spatial measurement resolution of over 100,000 measurement points.
The TF map 2530, which exists in several versions, allows measurements of:
- Sheet resistance
- Resistivity
- Thickness
- Anisotropy
- Non-contact measurement
- Non-destructive
- Fast and accurate measurement
- High resolution mapping of conductive thin layers
- Imaging of substrates
- Detection of defects and analysis of coatings
- Characterization of hidden and encapsulated conductive layers
- Various analysis functions built into the software (sheet resistance distribution, line scan, single point analysis...)
- Measurement data backup and export functions
- Display, touch screen and flat screen
- OLED and LED applications
- Graphene layers
- Wafer and photovoltaic cells
- Semiconductor wafer
- Metallization layer and wafer metallization
- Battery electrodes
- Conductive paper and textiles
- Organic conductor - Polymer
Wafer size
12 "
Sheet resistance range
0.0001 to 200,000 Ohm/sq