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Coaxial Kelvin probe

The Kelvin Coaxial Probes are designed for low-level signal probing. The single unit design is especially desirable for the best possible electrical characteristics and improbes tip control over conventional dual tips design

- The Probes are constructed of microwave-quality components
- The 50 ohm semi-rigid cable consists of 8 mil tungsten wire forming the inner conductor and probe point, with isolation from the gold plated copper shield being achieved through the utilisation a Teflon dielectric
- The probe contact protrudes from the shielding by .150" (3 mm) to maintain low-level signal noise to the probe tips available from 0.5 µm to 12.5 µm
- Standard SSMC connector, series / parallel resistor configurations available in option

For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171