MLC150Optical fiber illuminator
- A wide choice of optical fiber forillumination : ring light, 1 arm, 2 arms...
- Adjustable intensity on front panel or by remote
- Compatible with stereozoom SMZ171 and turret PSM1000 microscopes
Part Number
Turret microscope
Turret microscope for fine inspection and high magnifications.
The PSM1000 is useful for precision contact on very small surfaces.
- It can be used as a stand alone or mounted onto analytical probe station
- A range of accessories is available including a variety of objectives (NIR, NUV, polarizer, analyzer...)
- The trinocular head accepts a choice of digital cameras
- Spectroscopic applications available
10 X
Magnification range
20 to 2000 X
Internal zoom
2 X
Focus block
Included with 50mm course
Optical fiber (not included)
Camera capable
Not included