PT110      110 GHz flexible cable for RF probe

PT110 : 110 GHz flexible cable for RF probe PT110 : 110 GHz flexible cable for RF probe

Part Number



110 GHz flexible cable for RF probe


UTiFLEX® microwave cable assemblies are constructed using a low or ultra-low-density PTFE dielectric coupled with fully shielded outer conductors and a unique connector attachment that withstands mechanical and thermal stresses far better than standard connectors.
The result: Excellent loss characteristics, outstanding phase stability, and superb flexibility compared to standard flexible cables — all without sacrificing mechanical integrity.

Manufactured in Pottstown, PA, location, under the expert guidance of our professional engineering team, every UTiFLEX cable assembly is tested for insertion loss and SWR, and shipped with an individual test certificate.

Technical Specifications


50 Ohm

Max. frequency

110 GHz

Outside diameter

1.28 Inch

Bend radius

26 mm

Associated products

RF & Microwave micropositioner

SM40RF & Microwave micropositioner

The SM40 micropositioner is specifically designed for RF probing, it has one inch translation capabilities in all axes and a cross-roller bearings to prevent accidentally moving the tip if bumped.

- Accepts all types of coplanar RF probes.
- Perfectly stable with screw-lock fixation on the platen (optional magnetic base).
- An integral co-planarity adjustment provides for adjusting multicontact planarities (GS, GSG, GSGSG configurations).
- It is available with various head configurations allowing the microwave head to be introduced from the front, rear.

RF probe 40 GHz

MWRF-40ARF probe 40 GHz

Serie of probes for RF Microwave applications up to 40GHz, GSG, GS, SG or "dual" configurations (dual = 2 probes on 1 positionner)

- These probes are available in different pitch from 25µm to 2540µm
- Various mounting styles for micropositioners
- Female K connector 2.9mm
- Available in BeCu, Nickel or Tungsten
- Non Magnetic option
- High temperature and high current / high voltage versions, please ask us
RF probe 18 GHz

MWRF-ECP18RF probe 18 GHz

Series of probes for RF Microwave application up to 18GHz, GSG, GS, SG and Dual.

- These probes are available in different pitch from 100µm to 2500µm, per 25µm step
- Various mounting styles for positionners
- Non Magnetic option, please ask us
RF probe 110 GHz

MWRF-110HRF probe 110 GHz

Serie of probes for RF Microwave applications up to 110GHz, GSG, GS, SG or "dual" configurations (dual = 2 probes on 1 positionner)

- These probes are available in different pitch from 25µm to 1250µm
- Various mounting styles for positionners
- Female connector 1mm
- Available in BeCu, Tungsten or Nickel
- Non magnetic option

WL2108" high accuracy RF manual probe station

The WaveLink series represents the most accomplished HF probing stations, available for wafer up to 12".

- No resonnance up to 500 Ghz
- Upgradability from one version to another
- Manual or Semi-automatic version
- Optional thermal charactherization (-60°C to +300°C)
- Allows up to 4 RF micropositioners and 4 DC micropositioners simultaneously


WL210 : Version 200 mm
WL310 : Version 300 mm

WL1160B-8N8" RF manual analytical probe station

Economical while professional prober for RF and Microwave probing applications, available for single die, partial or full wafer up to 8".

- DC to 110 GHz measurement
- Stable platen and specific anti-resonant chuck construction
- Individual chuck for RF probes with independant rotation
- Quick lift platen and fine Z adjustment
- Allows binocular or trinocular microscope (Tilt-back clearing option)
- Accept up to 4 RF micropositioners and 4 DC micropositioners simultaneously


WL1160A : Moving of optical bridge for turret microscope
WL1160B : Moving of optical bridge for trinocular stereozoom microscope
WL1160C : Fixed optical bridge for trinocular stereozoom microscope
For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171