WL250-LE      8" HF semi-automatic probe station with local enclosure

WL250-LE : 8 WL250-LE : 8
WL250-LE : 8 WL250-LE : 8
WL250-LE : 8 WL250-LE : 8
WL250-LE : 8 WL250-LE : 8
WL250-LE : 8 WL250-LE : 8

Part Number



8" HF semi-automatic probe station with local enclosure


Semi-automatic probing stations for full wafer HF electrical characterization.

- Software : mapping, auto-alignment, pattern recognition, autofocus...
- Probecard application available
- Thermal characterization from -60°C to +300°C
- HF measurements up to 110 GHz
- Tool developed for design validation (R&D) and yield monitoring (production)
- Configuration : up 4 ports HF (N, S, E, W) and 4 DC
- Optional local enclosure for EMI shielding and light-tight


WL250 : 200 mm version
WL350 : 300 mm version
WL250-LE : 200 mm with local enclosure
WL350-LE : 300 mm with local enclosure

Technical Specifications

Sample size

200 mm

Sample holding

Vacuum hole, zone selection

Stage Drive


Chuck travel X-Y

200 mm

Chuck material



0.5 µm


5 µm

Chuck stage Z travel

12.5 µm

Z chuck repeatability

1 µm

Chuck planarity adjustment



< 10 µm

Theta range

+/- 7.5 °

Theta resolution

0.000035 °

Theta repeatability

< 1.5 µm

Z range platen

38mm with lock

Contact/no contact platen lever

4 mm with +/- 1 µm repeatability

Platen material

Steel for vacuum or magnetic micropositioner

Scope stage drive type


XY scope stage travel

X-Y 50x50mm - Résolution 0.02µm

Calibration Chuck

Calibration chuck with independant angular setup

Roll Out Stage for easy wafer loading


Local enclosure



Probe card, dark box, themral chuck, triax chuck...

Associated products

RF & Microwave micropositioner

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The SM40 micropositioner is specifically designed for RF probing, it has one inch translation capabilities in all axes and a cross-roller bearings to prevent accidentally moving the tip if bumped.

- Accepts all types of coplanar RF probes.
- Perfectly stable with screw-lock fixation on the platen (optional magnetic base).
- An integral co-planarity adjustment provides for adjusting multicontact planarities (GS, GSG, GSGSG configurations).
- It is available with various head configurations allowing the microwave head to be introduced from the front, rear.

Single-objective microscope

AZOOMµSingle-objective microscope

This microscope allows the same magnification than a multi-objectives turret miscoscope in a smaller footprint.
Its trinocular head allows the use of digital camera and/or a laser.

- The illumination is made by LED
- C-mount for camera
- High working distance (WD)
RF probe 50 GHz

MWRF-50ARF probe 50 GHz

Serie of probes for RF Microwave applications up to 50GHz, GSG, GS, SG or "dual" configurations (dual = 2 probes on 1 micropositioner)

- These probes are available in different pitches from 25µm to 1250µm
- Various mounting styles for micropositioners
- Female connector 2.4mm
- Available in BeCu, Tungsten or Nickel
- Non Magnetic option
- High temperature and High Power options, please ask us
RF & Microwave micropositioner

SM90RF & Microwave micropositioner

The SM90 micropositioner is specifically designed for RF probing, it has one inch translation capabilities in all axes and a cross-roller bearings to prevent accidentally moving the tip if bumped.

- Accepts all types of coplanar RF probes.
- Perfectly stable with screw-lock fixation on the platen (optional magnetic base).
- An integral co-planarity adjustment provides for adjusting multicontact planarities (GS, GSG, GSGSG configurations).
- It is available with various head configurations allowing the microwave head to be introduced from the front, rear.
RF probe 67 GHz

MWRF-67ARF probe 67 GHz

Serie of probes for RF Microwave applications up to 67GHz, GSG, GS, SG or "dual" configurations (dual = 2 probes on 1 micropositionner)

- These probes are available in different pitches from 25µm to 1250µm
- Various mounting styles for micropositionners
- Female V connector 1.85mm
- Available in BeCu or Tungsten
- Non Magnetic option
- High temperature and High Power options, please ask us
Active antivibration table

TA-VIS-9090Active antivibration table

The table allows pneumatic filtering of vibrations, the 4 dampers efficiently filter the mechanical noise from the ground or neighbourhood for an ultra fine probe analysis, inspection or assembly.

- Platens available in several dimensions upon size and weight of the equipment
- Individually adjustable air pressure sensors at each corner
Thermal chuck

ERS-AC3Thermal chuck

For 50 years ERS has been developing thermal chucks compatible with all probetest stations.

They have the following properties :
- High temperature: 300° C
- Low temperature: Patented airflow technology allows cooling down to -65° C
- Chuck TRIAX for low current measurement (FemtoAmp)
- Chuck High Voltage
- Non magnetic chuck
For technical and commercial information, quote, ordering or request of visit by our representative.
+33 (0)476 561 617

5 rue de la Verrerie

38120 Le Fontanil-Cornillon

Grenoble / France

Fax : +33(0) 476 757 484

RCS Grenoble B 381 001 171 - APE 4652Z

TVA FR 48 381 001 171